On the Subject of Love – on Valentine’s Day
I guess love is a pretty topical subject, considering the date. Normally it’s something I steer away from in my writing – at least, as a...

The Best Laid Plans… (Take Two)
So here we are in 2020, and I’m only just kind of stopping to catch up with myself after one of the busiest years I’ve ever had. What on...

The Best Laid Plans…
Hello 2019 – here we are in a new year, and now that all the sounds of celebrating (and soon-to-be abandoned resolutions) have faded...

Honouring the Ancestors
So it’s been super-incredibly busy for the last few weeks – to the point that my October blog is only just happening now, in November. Of...

The Dark Night of the Soul
You may be asking yourself, ‘why is Lana writing about Halloween again?’ After all, my last post went into the subject, and it does sound...

Warning: Halloween Imminent
So, how many of you look forward to Halloween every year? I do – not that I usually go all out to decorate the house or costume-up...

Immersion in the World of Myth
So why Isis, you may ask? Why does my character, Ange, turn out to be Isis incarnate? Why the Egyptian pantheon? Why a goddess, and not a...

Putting the ‘Fantasy’ into ‘Retro-Fantasy’
One of the important things for me in my writing is to explore the genres I most love to write. From my beginnings as an author – right...

A Word or Two About Animals
Just like my character, Ange, I have always had a deep and abiding love of animals, and the world of nature. I grew up watching programs...

On the Road – Cars as a Vehicle to Drive Transformation
As we make our way in this world, a parallel can often be drawn between our life journey and our physical meanderings on the earth....