The Heroine Makes A Journey
I’m currently reading a great book by Gail Carriger, called The Heroine’s Journey – for Writers, Readers, and Fans of Pop Culture. What...

Creating Life
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how a person’s early childhood experiences can shape their personality later in life. Not only...

Moving Forward Into A (Brave?) New Era
So here we are entering the third decade of the 2000’s. Wow, that’s enough to make you feel old! Still, I feel it’s a really great time...

Rising to the Challenge
So here we are, at the end of another year… and another decade. We’re probably all hoping 2021 will be better. A LOT better. And...

The Story of My Story – Where Does It All Come From?
One of the common questions that authors face – certainly authors of speculative fiction, at any rate (myself included) – is ‘Where do...

Life is Fluid...
Well, what a year it’s turning out to be. For some of us, everything has changed. For some, very little. A famous line comes to mind… “It...

Countdown Initiated…
Well, it’s the pointy end of the thingy – nearly time to release my first novel to the world. I’m still gathering feedback, and still...

Just Getting On With It
Most people might consider life to be a wee bit of a worrisome drag at the moment, with all that’s going on in the world. Not so much me....

Such is the Life of a Writer…
A lot of media attention has been given to the negative aspects of what is going on in the world today, especially with us all enduring...

A Conversation With A Novice Writer
I am often asked when I decided to become a writer, and why. I’ve told the story many times, of how I knew all my letters and numbers...