Lana Lea, author
Lana Lea specialises in retro-fantasy, dabbling in diverse historical eras - both real and imagined - including high fantasy and alternate history generally.
She draws on years of interest and research into history, mythology, the supernatural, paranormal, spirituality, and religion to craft her ideas into novels, poetry, songs, radio skits, plays, and short stories.
Lana started writing at age 7, inspired by her favourite childhood authors, Enid Blyton and C.S. Lewis, and later on, Edgar Allen Poe, Agatha Christie, H.G. Wells, Shakespeare, and J.R.R. Tolkien.
She freelances as an editor and proof-reader, takes part in National Novel Writing month every November, hosts creative writing and poetry workshops in her home town, and runs the Generation XYZ writing group.
She also loves acting and singing , and taking part in re-enactment. She enjoys many craft activities, such as creating steampunk costumes and accessories, beading, lapidary work, drawing, art, and graphic design. She loves travel, but is equally happy at home, cooking, baking, gardening, and looking after her extremely patient and understanding husband.
A voracious reader, Lana loves more than anything else to snuggle up with a coffee, some chocolate, her two cats, and a good fiction or history book.
Lana released the first book in her retro-fantasy trilogy, Atomic Goddess, in 2020.

Traveller extraordinare...